Juli 11, 2010

The (Complete) Holiday

Hello today, Sunday, July 11th. It means today is the end from our loooong holiday.
My Holiday? hm maybe was so complete!
Let's check....

Saturday, June, 26th
Ambil rapot. aaaaaaaah bersyukur bersyukur bersyukur! Naik kelas, Nilai naik, ranking naik, mama papa senyum lebar :'D "Alhamdulillah"

Sunday, June, 27th
Stay at home. Share my story with mom and dad.

Monday, June, 28th
"Happy Birthday my Jenny Widah Savira" give her surprise with 5 others.

abis itu, ke Sumantri, liat junior Neinofsa lomba, walaupun telat, have a great performance guys! Proud of you.

Tuesday, June, 29th
Stay at home and take some a rest.

Wednesday, June, 30th
Swimming time!!! With my Rangers. and know? It's our 14th month anniversary :-D and have a great day with you all guys :***

Thursday, July, 1th
Traditional dance practice, buat tampil di promosi MOS! Wish Neinoftra(New Inofation of Traditional) luck please. Dont forget to be there!

Friday, July, 2th
So tired. Stay at home and take a rest

Saturday, July, 3th
Ke makam eyang aaaaaaah udah lama ga kesini. Btw, already 2 years you leave me, sometimes I really need you to share about everything, to hear all about my school life. I miss you, Rest in peace, Grand pa :')

Sunday, July, 4th
Jenny's birthday party! Full of red and black. Thankyou for the invite Jenny, for the transport Mahendra, and for the new friend and share story Alfian Tohir. Nice to meet ya!

Monday, July, 5th
Ambassador. Buy my favorite snack, Jolly Time!

Tuesday, July, 6th
Traditional Dance practice(again) and go to the Bandung with grand ma, uncle, aunt, 2 cousin.

Wednesday, July, 7th
Kawah Putih. Tapi ngga jadi, hujan huhuhu :-(

Thursday, July, 8th
Last day in Bandung, go to Factory Outlite. Buy some T-shirt wuhuuu. In the evening, welcome back, Jakarta!

Friday, July, 9th
Stay at home, take a rest.

Saturday, July, 10th
Sushi time! With 5 persons. New Friend, Great Friend, Great Time! Nice to spend day with you. Thankyou Laras,Maul,Rendi,Eja, and Ivan :-)
In the night, Dinar's birthday party. Full of jeans. Thankyou Dinar for invite. Have a great one!

That's all.
So complete right? From make parents proud till have a new great friends!
Bersyukur. Terimakasih, Allah. Terimakasih, Orang sekitar yang sudah mengisi liburan indahku :-) Me love you all!

Now, How's your holiday guys?

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