Januari 21, 2011


Late post for tell you about January 19th

19? yes, that's our 3rd monthversary.
Like before, we have many hope for soon. Especially for our relationship.
and like 1st&2nd month you hold my hand and you told your hope and so do I, how sweet habit right? :p
We aren't like the other couple that in every monthversary they give a gift for their boyf/girlf. But we still enjoy our day :'D
yes, enjoy, one day with Alfa in our 3rd monthversary made me feel so comfort&happy.
He didn't come to his course for today. "Kan mau seharian sama kamu" he said.
Thankyou dear. Thankyou for full-day nya. Thankyou for hold my hand, for bring me to home, for wonderfull night!

"Selamat 3 bulan ya git, semoga lebih baik ke depannya buat hubungan kita. Amin"
"Selamat 3 bulan juga ya Alfa, semoga saling mengerti terus dan bisa ngehadepin cobaan yang ada bareng2. Amin"

With Love,

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